A poet, educator, and writer originally from St. Louis, Missouri, Katie graduated from Yale University and earned her M.F.A. in Creative Writing at Emerson College. Her debut collection of poetry, Imitation Crab (Finishing Line Press, 2021), explores the tension between authenticity and artificiality, and the slipperiness of identity through the lens of female experience.

Katie has taught creative writing, composition, research writing, and rhetoric at Emerson College, Roosevelt University, and the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. She has also led poetry workshops at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education, the Newberry Library, the Loft Literary Center, Write On Door County, and ArtStart’s School of the Arts Legacy Program.

As a freelancer, Katie’s work has been published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, The Verge, and Time Out Magazine. Her poetry has appeared in more than a dozen literary journals including Measure, Unsplendid, The Raintown Review, and Poetry City, USA. Her poem “How to Explain Death to Your Daughter” was featured on Metro Transit buses and trains in the Twin Cities.

When she’s not writing or teaching, Katie can often be found performing with her blues/rock band, The Flaming Doublewides, and serving on Saint Paul Almanac‘s Board of Directors. She currently lives in South Minneapolis with her husband, Jake.