
Originally published in Volume One, September 9, 2015

You pantomime making breakfast
while your husband does his best impression
of a man who likes his wife’s coffee.

Is your line “Have a good day at work”
Or “Don’t forget the dry cleaning”?

You can’t remember, so instead cross upstage,
ask him to take the dog you don’t have
for a long walk. He adlibs a kiss
on the cheek and asks about dinner,
grabs a wax banana from the centerpiece.

Without conflict, there is no drama:
Either Aristotle or your therapist said that.

Whatever you do, don’t mention the character
who never arrived, the room he painted
robin’s egg blue, your sister’s hand-me-downs
you gave to Goodwill.

Remember, it’s like they say on airplanes:
The closest exit may be behind you.